Tagok —
Laura Virág Szekeres
www.instagram.com/szekereslauravirag/[email protected]CV
1997, Budapest
2022 Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, MA in Photography, English language (current studies)
2018-2020 Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Photography BA
2017-2018 Képző- és Iparművészeti Szakközépiskola és Kollégium, Fotográfia OKJ nappali
2004-2017 Fészek Waldorf Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola
2022, MOME Photography, Art Market Budapest, Bálna
2022, Closed Open World, duo exhibition with Emesé Toth, Foton Gallery, Budapest
2021, True or false? - #information dumping in the 21st century, Foton Gallery, Budapset
2021, Art Market Budapest, FFS/ Bálna
2021, une porte se farme une autre s'ouvre, Salon du Salon, Marseille, France
2021, ici mais parti.e, Dos Mares Ateliers Vian, Marseille, France
2020, COWORKING, debut exhibition of new members of the FFS-SKURC, Budapest
2020, for the exhibition of MOME photography students, Leányfalu local and literary history
exhibition workshop
2019, Eighteen Eight, Keleti Café and Gallery, Budapest
2018, Now, Nyitottműhely, Kisképző
2018, Ladyfest, Budapest, Gólya
2022 cress print workshop with Almudena Romero
2020 Collodion wet plate course with Viktor Gálos
2021 bookbinding, Lapozó books,
2019 leading a photographic talent program in collaboration with Hello Wood Junior
on behalf of Bethlen Gábor Fund Management Ltd.
2019 leading cyanotype workshops in cooperation with Hello Wood Junior,
for Hungarian students from abroad on behalf of Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt.
2022-2023 Új Nemzeti Kiválóság Program Scholarship
2020-2021 Erasmus scholarship at the École des beaux-arts de Marseille
(École supérieure d'art & de design Marseille-Méditerranée)
2021 MMA-21-MH750 to support their costs related to artistic activities
membership: Studio for Young Photographers - FFS